
Thursday, April 29, 2004

Another day...blah.

I don't really have much to write today. I guess I feel like I needed to update this thing - or else.

Still going over flooring stuff. I just haven't had as much time as I would like to devote to it. I finished the art projects that I had been working on and I am quite pleased. I need to complete two more just to balance it out (the wall is bigger than I thought).

We did go to my mother-in-law's retirement reception the other day. As big of a pain as it was to get there (it was at 3:00 in the afternoon on a work day and about 40 minutes away), it was so worth it. She was so excited that we were there and she was so happy to show off her grandkids to everyone at her school. The funny thing was, they all knew about them already. I guess Grammy talks those babies up! It was really nice. I am really glad that we went.

Oh well, I guess I will wrap this up.

Monday, April 26, 2004

From the floor up

Our next big house project is to install flooring in the den, hallway and dining room. Currently, it’s carpeted. It’s the original carpet. It wasn’t in great shape when we bought the house and it’s in really bad shape now. So, after a major freakout (by me) this weekend, we decided that we needed to get serious about getting rid of the carpet.

I am all for doing it ourselves. I mean, how hard could it be? I sided our house with my dad – it can’t be as bad as that, right? Actually, that went pretty well except for the long hours.

I’m banking on this, people. I’m banking on the fact that I will have wood and tile floors throughout the whole house, siding on the outside, new appliances in the kitchen, and all of this will help us move into a bigger house one day – if our marriage survives one more home improvement. (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Feelings...wo, wo, wo, feelings...

I've got a lot of things running through my mind this week. It's funny how things pile up on you like that.... Here are some of the highlights:

1. I need to get a flower for each of my son's teachers. They are having a luncheon for them tomorrow and asked every parent to bring in a flower for each of their child's teachers. That's a good thought.

2. We received an invitation to my mother-in-law's retirement reception yesterday. It's at 3 pm next Tuesday - 5 days from now. Apparently, everyone else in the family was told about this "awhile ago." We had no idea. Not that we have to make arrangements to leave work in the middle of the day or anything.... I have bad feelings on this one.

3. I watched Clean Sweep last night and just freaked out at the condition of the house they were working on. I thought my house was cluttered. It made me feel great!

4. Just normal work stuff. Some of the stuff that is going on around here just makes me want to leave even more. People are treated like children. Aren't we all professionals? We all have the same degree as the next person. Does that give anyone the right to talk down or treat someone unfairly? Everyone has a bad day - maybe you could keep it to yourself. Some people just get so full of themselves - why? When you create an environment where people are unhappy to come to work, is it really worth it? God, I am so sick of that. When will someone higher up take this crap seriously? Bad feelings.

5. My garage door. Two (or is it three?) bolts have come out. Now, we're looking at having someone come out to fix it since our attempts have failed. Gee, I'm looking forward to that. Not a good feeling.

6. My relaxation plan. Yoga (thanks to Robin), baths, exercise, and just taking time for myself has made a huge difference in me the past few days. I am still working on letting a lot of the stress go. I know it is working. I'm going to stick to it. Goooooood feelings.

7. My family (at least the ones who remember to include us), friends and other great people that I encounter everyday. I am amazed by the interesting, amusing, and friendly people that I am surrounded by. I just wish that I had more time to spend with you. Good, good feelings.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Walking on sunshine

So, I’ve been trying to limit my caffeine intake. If you know anything about me, you know Coca-Cola is running through my veins, so you know I am having a hard time. Right now, I am taking in one coke a day (if that). This is all to lower my stress levels and decrease any anxiety that I may have.

I have started to take my 15-minute breaks at work also. That is a major change for me. I used to NEVER take any of my breaks. Why? I really don’t know. So, today I went outside and walked around campus. It’s so beautiful today. It has been so long since I felt the sun on my face. It just felt great. I had forgotten how good just being in the sun felt.

I plan on using my two 15-minute breaks to go walking in the sun everyday. I don’t know why I haven’t been doing that the whole time. Duh.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Rock on!

This morning we had to switch vehicles and so I had the privilege of driving the truck to work! (please crank Smoke on The Water by Deep Purple now) I love driving the truck. It’s up higher than my car and there is always a surprise in the CD player. This morning it was Tom Petty. Envision me driving through town cranking Tom Petty in a black pickup truck. I rock! Of course, I had to fill it with gas because my husband likes to drive on fumes. (how do you do that?) But, I still rocked – even as I stood in my flowered skirt pumping the unleaded. Oh yeah! Rock on, metal brother!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Oh, brother!

There are a lot of things that people don’t know about me. Not that I am trying to hide anything – there are just some things that take awhile to explain – and some things that people just won’t understand. I guess I look at what I am about to write as one of those things that take a long time to explain. There are always a lot of questions about this if I ever bring it up and so I usually don’t. I will bring it up if I can identify with someone in a similar situation. There is a certain connection that comes with being in certain situations. So, if you didn’t know this about me, please don’t think I’ve been hiding it. It’s a huge open door in a person who stays kind of closed.

I come from a suburban New Jersey family. From the age of five until the age of 10 it was just me and my brother (my best friend in the world next to my husband). Then, to add to the already dysfunctional world in which I lived, my parents decided to adopt another child.
**disclaimer: I have nothing against adoption and do not think that what my parents attempted to do was wrong – in my case, it just added to the already volatile situation called my family**
So, along came another brother. He was autistic. At ten, I learned a lot about autism. As a matter of fact, by the time I was thirteen, I was speaking on panels at Rutgers about being a sibling of an autistic child. I remember one audience member saying (in front of everyone) that the answers from the panel seemed scripted. They weren’t. We (the siblings of autistic children) lived in a world where terms like “behavior modification”, “self-stimulation”, “positive reinforcement”, and “IEP” were as common as kool-aid, happy days, and kickball to other kids.

My new brother was six. He didn’t know how to feed himself. He didn’t talk. He wouldn’t let you near him and would scratch and bite you if you got too close. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? I still have a purple-ish mark on my forearm where my brother bit me. He especially liked to go after my mother - probably because she did the most work with him. She would have to wear leather gloves while she tried to feed him just so he couldn’t bite and scratch up her hands. Eventually, through a lot of hard work, my brother learned to feed himself quite well. He also could talk in simple phrases and dress himself with some prodding. He made a lot of progress, but it wasn’t easy.

So hey! Why not do it again?! And three years later, we did. My parents adopted a very sweet seven year old who was neurologically impaired. He was a cake walk compared to my other brother. He could do all of the normal stuff, he was just kind of “slow.” However, during this time, a lot of family attention went to my two new brothers leaving me and my natural brother on our own. It was hard. We missed out on a lot of the normal things that families do. I didn’t realize how much this affected me until I started therapy (about two years ago) and started to understand the way I look at things.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t resent my brothers. The situations that they were taken from would make you sick. Imagine a two year-old locked in a room where Froot Loops were thrown in for your meals while your mom was in the other room shooting up, or sniffing glue or whatever the hell she was doing. Imagine this child taken to the emergency room severely malnourished, with dead hair, lice, and God knows what else.
Or, how about a newborn who just cried and cried, so his dad clocked him over the head enough times to actually change the shape of his skull – forever. That’s what my brothers went through. I don’t resent them or what my parents did for them. What I’m saying is that it is amazing how things shape your life, your personality, your attitude.

It makes more sense when you know the whole story. That's what I'm working on.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Oh, Atlanta!

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

I found out this past Saturday that I passed the test that qualifies me to be certified in the state of Georgia as a school media specialist. Woo Hooo!!! However, because my GRE scores are so old (someone hand me my teeth) and grad school will want new ones, I am just going to submit the new ones to the state and save myself the umpteen dollars that ETS charges to dig my scores out of the “archives.” Who are they kidding?

On the “I can’t wait for this” front – my husband has planned a wonderful anniversary outing for this year. Now, I didn’t think anything would be happening for this anniversary because he really outdid himself for Christmas and was absolved from Valentine’s Day, my birthday (except for a card) and our anniversary. But…Alison Krauss is coming to the Fox in Atlanta and he wants to be front and center. Did I mention that she will be in Atlanta on June 8 (our anniversary)? So, he wants to have a nice dinner and go to the concert. Yes, like a real date. I can’t remember the last time that happened. Wait, we’re not going to the Guthrie’s drive-thru and picking up a video? Fancy livin’! Now, I don’t know how many of you are familiar with Alison Krauss…but her voice can bring me to tears. I know that sounds corny, but it really can. I am just in awe of her vocal talent. We saw her about two years ago during the whole Down From the Mountain tour and it was incredible. When my son was brand new, we would play her music and it would calm him down and he would sleep. That will always be a sweet memory for me.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Nuthin' much

Well, I am sooo happy to have DirecTV in my life! I have watched the latest episode of the Sopranos three times!!! I love having 7 HBOs for less than expanded basic cable!!! Take that, cable company!

Other than that, nothing else is really going on. I found out that I have to take the GRE again to go back to school. What can you do? Actually, I really like standardized tests and so I am secretly looking forward to it. So, this pushes my plan back to the Fall, but that might be better for me anyway. What else will I be doing? I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.

Sorry this is ultra-lame. There really isn't much going on.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

...go back, jack do it again...

Well, I’m back.

Something sidetracked me for a little bit and it really made me contemplate writing here. Therapeutically, it helps me vent and get feedback/support/clarification about things. I really appreciate all of you who participate in this process. It really does help. I guess there are times when I look at all of this and wonder if I need to open myself up to people in this way. Maybe the wrong people are reading this? Wouldn’t want to feel violated or anything….

So, the squatters are moving out today and tomorrow. I just want to say that I really love the squatter’s daughter, my niece. I have issues with her parents but that isn’t her fault. The little one is so sweet and just loves her cousin (my son) to death. As a nice gesture I am planning on painting something for her new room, in her new little house. It’s kind of a housewarming gift for a 19 month-old. I plan on working on that this weekend – provided I am not glued to the TV because the DirecTV man is coming this Saturday between 1 and 3 and I will watch the Sopranos on Sunday night!

Fire up the ziti, Carm! Mmmmm…maybe I will make ziti Sunday night?