
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Peer pressure

Because of the enormous amount of peer pressure from Lady Miss Kamala, here is my "100 things." And, I really did make it to 100.

1. I used to shave ¾ of my head.
2. Better Off Dead is my favorite movie of all time.
3. I love Peter Murphy.
4. I know more 80’s music trivia than I really need to.
5. My feet have grown a half size in the past two years.
6. I have a two year-old son.
7. I love being a mom, although I’m never quite sure if I’m good at it.
8. My hair color isn’t real right now and hasn’t been for a long, long time.
9. I met my husband 12 years ago in the same place that I currently work.
10. I had my nose pierced from 1989 to 1993.
11. I’m thinking about piercing it again.
12. My closest friends live in other states.
13. I am Catholic.
14. I did not marry in a Catholic church or by a Catholic priest.
15. I got married two days after my birthday.
16. I would like to renew my vows in a church one day.
17. I went to Catholic school from 4th grade until I graduated high school.
18. My favorite color is lime green.
19. I learned to knit.
20. I am considered “faculty” at my job (*snicker*)
21. I fight dirty.
22. I beat up a boy for picking on my brother when I was thirteen.
23. I was in the chorus of “Guys and Dolls” in high school.
24. I didn’t like high school much.
25. I’m from New Jersey.
26. I miss New Jersey sometimes.
27. I don’t have a New Jersey accent.
28. I moved to Georgia at the age of 20 – knowing no one here.
29. I think I did the right thing by moving to Georgia.
30. I am a Yankees fan.
31. I have a Bucky Dent button in my jewelry box.
32. I prefer to drive a stick shift.
33. I sided my own house with my dad and husband.
34. I am not Martha Stewart.
35. I cook pretty well.
36. I own the Uncle Floyd Show on DVD.
37. I have a pituitary adenoma.
38. I used to go to clubs in New York.
39. I used to go to hardcore shows in Trenton, NJ.
40. I’ve seen the Circle Jerks, the Exploited, the Ramones, Sonic Youth, Fishbone, and Bad Brains.
41. I’ve also seen Whitney Houston, Paul Simon, Tito Puente, and the Grateful Dead.
42. I used to wear kilts – a lot.
43. I have three degrees: an AA, a BA, and a MLIS.
44. I think about going back to school for another degree.
45. My brother is probably my very, very best friend – besides my husband.
46. I don’t talk to my brother enough.
47. No one can make me laugh like my brother.
48. I was kind of wild in my teens/early twenties.
49. I never really had a curfew.
50. I like plain m&m’s.
51. I believe the brown m&m’s mean “extra chocolate.”
52. I sang, “Let’s get married” by Jagged Edge at my friend’s wedding a million times.
53. I own horror teeth.
54. I love The Sopranos.
55. My dad is a combination of Elvis and Joe Peschi.
56. My mom dresses like a tree (greens and browns).
57. My parents divorce started in 1996.
58. They told me about it about a month after I got married.
59. My parents divorce was final in 2000.
60. I have three younger brothers.
61. Two of my brothers are adopted.
62. One of my adopted brothers is autistic and the other is neurologically impaired.
63. I have no living grandparents.
64. I can cry at almost anything.
65. I cry when I hear “Bring on the dancing horses” by Echo and the Bunnymen.
66. I like to make fun of things – a lot.
67. I have allergies.
68. I’m a librarian, but I don’t read as much as I would like to.
69. I think some people find it hard to believe I am a librarian.
70. I like chamomile tea.
71. I am horrible about sending packages.
72. I like Peeps only if they are stale.
73. I have never been arrested.
74. My dad was a cop in NJ for awhile.
75. I talked my way out of a lot of tickets in NJ (thanks, Dad).
76. I seized a car engine because I didn’t put oil in the car.
77. I got a car engine for my birthday that year.
78. I watch a lot of bad TV.
79. I was a girl scout.
80. I went ice skating in Rockefeller Center.
81. One of my favorite things is walking through New York when it’s snowing.
82. I have some strange reaction to NutraSweet.
83. When I was little I had an imaginary friend named “Embert.”
84. I have a “slight” case of road rage.
85. I drive fast.
86. I have been to Spain.
87. I once wanted to be a backup singer for Bob Marley.
88. I have a hard time asking for help.
89. I have an incredible work ethic.
90. I have never been fired.
91. I have never worked in the fast food industry.
92. I have just found the goodness of kettle corn.
93. I do not like Rod Stewart.
94. I hate taking medicine.
95. I get bored very easily.
96. I like mashed rutabagas.
97. I have no idea when people are flirting with me.
98. I think I’m funny.
99. I don’t really tan.
100. When I was younger, my family lived on a boat every summer.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

VH1, you need my services.

Yesterday I had one question bouncing around in my head all day.

Where is Richard Marx now and does he still sport the mullet?

So, today I went to his website and found out that he is still crankin’ out the music. However, he no longer has the mullet. So, my question to you is… without the mullet, is he still Richard Marx?

Without the mullet is there any rock ballad power left?

Tune in next time when I figure out where the Burger King has been hiding.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

This is too good!

Please, please, please go to this site and read and read and read.

It's what I would have said, just more eloquent!

P.S. thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts. I am not angry anymore. I told you I would be back!!

Friday, January 07, 2005

Be glad it's not the entry that it was going to be

Now that the holidays are over, things are supposed to be less stressful, right?

Hi. Welcome to my life. There is no time of the year when things are “less stressful.” My life is stress. I was born in New Jersey. If you think that alone doesn’t stress you out, I could start talking about my family (past and present) and you would be screaming for more Zoloft and Kleenex before I even got past my parents.

Last night, I just became very angry. I still don’t know why and I am still very angry. I don’t mean I was just mad, I mean ANGRY. The kind of anger you feel in your gut. The kind of anger if you think about it long enough, you start to tremble. Real. Powerful. Anger.

Then, this morning, I was driving into work listening to a new CD that my husband bought me for Christmas. It’s by Mindy Smith. She’s like a cross between Alison Krauss and the Sundays. Anyway, there is a song called, “Raggedy Ann” on the CD and when I heard it this morning, I just cried. I guess because right now it covers how I feel right now. These are the parts that got me:

I'm just a little girl,
I'm Raggedy Ann
Making believe I'm happy, hey...
Raggedy Ann
Falling apart at the seams.

So when did I get so broken?
I wouldn't notice...
Everything just breaks away from me.
Hey! When did I get so broken?
I wouldn't notice...
Everything important leaving me.
Falling apart at the seams.

Trust me. I may be falling apart at the seams right now - but I will come back with a vengeance. I always do.

And two things you must do this weekend...
1. The Bedazzler. Find one and "bedazzle" some of your favorite shirts!
2. Vote in the BOB awards. There are two very funny blogs in the Best Mommy Blog category (Suburban Bliss) and the Most Humorous Blog category (Finslippy) that are up for awards and they SHOULD WIN because you WILL vote for them from now on - everyday.