
Thursday, September 16, 2004

Storms, shout gel and factoids

Well, other than having a pretty crappy morning, I don’t have much on my mind today.

I had a dream last night that I was the only person driving during the hurricane – and I mean – DURING THE HURRICANE. The roads were completely empty. There were tornadoes all over the place and the roads were starting to flood. I just kept driving through it with my son in the car. I remember we finally pulled over and watched as the tornadoes rolled right by us. No telling what that dream meant.

It’s raining here (like everywhere else) and I’m sick of trying to guess how to dress my son for daycare. Long pants? Shorts? He always comes home in a different shirt anyway because some genius decides that feeding 1 to 2 year-olds ravioli for lunch is a good thing. Anything to keep the people who make Shout in business, right? Which reminds me that I need to buy some more Shout gel.

Here’s something to keep you entertained.
Three things you probably didn’t know about me:

1. I used to go to clubs in nyc during the club kid era.
2. I have a secret (well, not now) crush on Peyton Manning.
3. Somewhere, way back in my lineage, I am related to Cornelius Vanderbilt. I guess that means I am related to Gloria Vanderbilt in some way – which means I am related to Anderson Cooper in some way and that is NOT a bad thing.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Friday thoughts

More intemperate thoughts because I wore myself out last week writing a very long, personal, soul-searching journal entry (my personal journal - not this one) and my brain can't put more than three sentences together right now.

Could someone explain the new short skirt / t-shirt fashion trend to me? I'm just not getting it.

I get really tired of people who think they are smarter than the rest of us. We enjoy you looking like a fool and that's why we don't say anything.

I'm debating whether or not to come clean with a lot of stuff on this blog. Nothing earth shattering. Just stuff that most people don't really know about me. Isn't that right, Lady Miss Kamala?

I'm still planning on going back to school. However, I may push it back until my husband gets accepted to business school and completes his MBA. (and I have every confidence in the world that he will!)

Has everyone started thinking about Christmas? I have. Maybe it's because from now on Christmas will REALLY matter to a very small believer in my house.

I've got the stuff to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies at home and I can't wait to go make them.

Have a great weekend everyone! May you all have your own version of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies - whatever that may be.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

On my mind right now...

Just a few thoughts because I haven’t posted in awhile.

I am hooked on Dr. Pepper right now. Maybe it’s because my grocery store doesn’t carry the 24 oz. cokes and I needed a substitute. Whatever it is, I am hooked on them.

My son takes after me – he can dance! Yesterday, as we made our way through Old Navy, he started groovin’ out to whatever thumping music they had on. So, I danced around the women’s section with him.

When my son says “ma ma” I almost cry – every time.

If I could wear jeans to work every day (and I guess I could) I would be happy. I am not trying to dress for success. No one sees me anyway.