
Friday, October 15, 2004

Library Idol

Since I have worked in a library for the past...hmmm...THIRTEEN years... and will probably work in a library for many more years, I've decided to just give in to the pressures of living in Athens. I'm starting a band. My band will only sing songs about the library and use terms that only people in libraries will know (or care) about.

Hits like...

OCLC - that's the way we do it!
You've got to shift. (Blackwell orders are in)
The 043's no place to be.
I've got the ALA dues blues.
NACO, SACO just leads to Waco. (as in Texas)
Laserdisc backlog

I haven't thought of a name for the band yet. With songs like these, does it really matter?

Friday, October 08, 2004

Snap, y'all!

Just a quick random update because it has been awhile since I posted anything.

Why is it that universities seem to attract students who appear to be incredibly stupid? I mean, they got in here, right? How dumb can they really be?

I have decided that a lot of my unhappiness (in assorted areas) is not because of anything I can change and that is the frustrating part. That must be what is causing me great stress. I can’t control other people and the way that they conduct themselves - never mind that it makes them look incredibly incompetent, or rude, or whatever.

I saw a bright yellow scooter today and I have to say, it was really cute. It made me miss my old, lime green car. I really miss that car.

I also had a really great piece of chocolate coconut cake today at lunch. Thanks to my husband for suggesting it. A good man knows when to administer chocolate.

And finally, a shout out to some very important people. A very good friend is volunteering for a political rally tomorrow. I am proud of her for doing it. Another good friend is working on some fantastic comics right now and I can’t wait for her to be published – because she will. Another friend is studying for the GRE (and I know it’s hard) but I know that she can do it and she WILL get into the school she wants to go to. And, my husband is gearing up to go back to school for something he really loves. I am really happy to know such dedicated and talented people.

Allright, my fifteen minutes are up for today.


Monday, October 04, 2004

rants and raves

Gee, I haven't posted here in awhile. I guess I haven't had much to say.

Wait, that is just a boldface lie. I have had a lot to say - just not in a public forum. Maybe one day I will just blow up and everything will spill out here - and then I will check myself in to a nice padded room. Thank God for therapy, right?

One thing that always gets me flared is work ethic. My job is boring. But, that's the nature of this job. I knew that from the get go. I'm surviving it, though. My work ethic prevents me from doing otherwise. I can't stand people who have a crappy work ethic and believe me - I see a lot of people like that. Luckily, Kamala, the Jazz, and the She-Dork all share my feelings on this subject and that really helps otherwise, I would think I am a tyrant or something. I have always had a problem with people who do not have a work ethic. Note: this is why I am not a supervisor - and why I do not want to be one. There would be mass firings, people. Mass firings. I call it like I see it and if you are not working, then I am not employing. I mean, there is nothing as pathetic as someone who can take eight hours of their life and squander it by pretending they are at work. If you aren't going to work, quit and find something you really want to do, like collect shells. Don't waste your (and more importantly, my) time.

In other news, recently I washed a bunch of my husband's clothes (khaki pants and shorts - because he doesn't wear any other kind) and a burgundy sweater found it's way into the wash and everything turned pink. EVERYTHING. Since my husband would rather be stoned to death than to wear pink pants, I had to find a way to resolve the issue - fast. After many washings and soakings in 1 part bleach, 2 parts white vinegar and lots of cold water - they (the pants and shorts) are back to normal. The t-shirts and socks are a different story.