
Monday, December 22, 2003

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

I am pretty excited about Christmas this year. It's the first Christmas for my son. I doubt he will really know what is going on, but he will get some use out of the stash of toys that I spent Saturday night wrapping. I love shopping for toys. I also spent Saturday night baking stuff. Bon bons, cheese crackers, peanut butter blossoms. I still have more to do. Don't get me wrong, I love baking. Besides, I just got a new set of bakeware and it is awesome! I love to bake around Christmastime.

Right now, I have lost my voice. I was sick over the weekend with a cold, which quickly turned into some kind of throat/chest thing and so I have lost my voice. I am the only person here at work (in my section) so I don't really have to talk to anyone. It's kind of nice. Thank God for headphones!

On a very sad note: one of my son's teachers lost her 2 year-old son and best friend two weeks ago in a car accident. This woman was such a wonderful teacher to my son. I cried on the way home after I heard the news. I don't know what to do or say. I hope everyone could keep Ms. Maria in their prayers this holiday season. Thanks.

Let's see...not much else going on around here. My son is starting to pull up on stuff and so I'm guessing he will be trying to "cruise" on the furniture soon. He also will raise his arms up when he wants to be picked up. Very cute. He is scarfing down Cheerio's and Ritz crackers like nobody's business. Every day he does something amazing.

My husband has a cold and has had one for awhile. It never ends. However, he has been the most helpful and wonderful husband ever - even though he has been sick. I couldn't get through this time of year without him.

I have been running around like a madwoman. Doing last minute shopping, baking, wrapping, ordering, calling, cleaning (oh yeah!) and other stuff. But I don't feel stressed out. Things like the dog throwing up will stress me out - but holiday madness...nah.

Well, back to looking like I am working. :)

Merry Christmas everyone! Happy new year! I hope that you all have a great 2004!