
Thursday, March 18, 2004

Take this job and shove it!

Something just isn’t sitting well with me and I feel the need to vent. Sorry if you are in a good mood and don’t want to hear someone bitch and complain, but it has to be done. Also, sorry for the profanity – I’m a Yankee and I’m venting.

About a year ago, I worked in another dept. I really thought I had found my niche because I enjoyed what I did and I was good at it. I knew my shit. I busted my ass to get things done in that dept. I came in on Saturdays, stayed late when needed, went to all sorts of boring meetings around the state, and pretty much volunteered to do whatever was needed for that collection. I had a real love for that collection. (I know. It’s sick.) Well, after some micromanaging supervision blowouts, I moved to another dept. It really was the best thing for me mentally to do. I had to give up what I loved doing to preserve my sanity. I am being completely serious. I really did try to stay. I put up with a lot of crap. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was stressed out, pregnant, and thinking of my future as a professional. I was tired of being treated like a part-time student worker who had half a brain. It was demeaning. I went back to school to become a professional while working in this dept full-time. I had the respect of a lot of people throughout the organization, just not where it counted – in my own dept.

Well, people in that dept. are talking about retirement. While part of me doesn’t want anything to do with that dept. again, I know that I have the background and the knowledge to step in and manage part of that collection. It would be a promotion and it would advance my career BIG TIME. That being said, I am not even being considered. The person who is being floated around as the replacement has no technical skills, or background in this collection whatsoever. She just wants more to do because she’s bored. Bored?! You work in a state of the art research building and you're bored? Yeah, that makes sense. Promote people because they are bored, not because they are competent. Someone high up in administration told me that if anyone retired in that dept. there would be no question, they would come looking for me to step in. I guess that was just some line of crap to keep me here. Whatever works, right?

It’s crap like that…just total lack of vision and that good ‘ole boy mentality that is forcing me to go back to school and get the hell out of here. You may say that I am running from my problems, but I have to disagree. I need to think about what is best for my family and me. I’ve been putting this place ahead of my own needs for too long. I’m through letting this job shit all over me.

And when the rolling retirements start…just who is going to be left here to keep things going? Damn sure it won’t be me.


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