
Friday, March 12, 2004

I can't drive 55!

I am back from my husband's grandfather's funeral. It was in North Carolina - about five hours away (I made it up there in four! That wagon can move!). It was a family thing and so you know there were family annoyances everywhere.

The most annoying thing was trying to follow my brother-in-law (squatter) while driving. My blood is starting to boil as I type. We were going to follow the family car to the cemetery for the graveside service. So, I am supposed to follow my brother-in-law and my husband is supposed to follow me, driving his parents' car. Well, my brother-in-law blows through a yellow light and just keeps going. Thanks. Luckily, my husband's uncle was behind us and took the lead so we could get to the cemetery.

When we finally got there and saw my brother-in-law, he said, "I felt really bad about that but it's better that only two of us got lost instead of three." Hey, no problem. I just had a one-year old in the car and why would we need to be there anyway. There was a mall close by and I'm sure everyone would understand if I just hung out at Dillard's all afternoon. I mean, there was a sale. I could have strangled him. Hey, Einstein - we had a cell phone and so did you. Would it kill you to call us and let us know where we needed to go? You knew we weren't behind you.

This is the same moron that I wound up following the night before when we were going to dinner. He kept switching lanes and turning without using his blinker. So, I asked him (when he stopped to tell us that he was lost) if he could use his blinker so I knew where he was going. He said (sarcastically) that he was using hand signals. I told him that if he didn't start using his blinker I would give him a hand signal. I wasn't kidding. Apparently this didn't sit well with him because he brought it up again the next day. Look, if someone is following you have the courtesy to indicate where you are going by using a turn signal. Is it that big of a deal?

I will never follow him again. No unless he graduates from my "Blinker use - people are following you - anti-highway braking - stop rubbernecking - trucks stay in the right lane - minimum speed 55 mph - no Buicks driving school." We will serve egg rolls the size of burritos for lunch every day.


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