
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

School is cool!

Well, I am ready to take the big plunge (again) back into grad school. I have the application filled out, the transcripts will be sent, I have the references picked out, and I need to write my personal statement. Personal statement: an essay about my reasons for choosing this program and what my goals are, blah…blah…blah…. Wouldn’t it be easy if I could just write the absolute truth? I am going back to school because the salary is a lot more than what I make now, the benefits are the same for less money, the hours/vacation would work so much better with my son’s schedule, and I would feel like I am actually DOING something. Yeah, I’m sure that would get me in. No, I will sit down and create a masterpiece about the state of education in Georgia, the need for bibliographic instruction in the schools, the strengths that I plan to bring to the program, etc.

Part of me really wants to go. I love school. Part of me feels that I should wait and let my husband go back to school for his MBA. He would be a brilliant accountant or CPA. He really would. He has a knack for numbers. The joke at his office was that when our son was born he would have a calculator in one hand and a pencil in the other. Currently, my husband is a comptroller for a small company. He likes his job but we both know that he has so much more potential. The difference between us is that I love school. He hates school.

When we were undergrads, he got through all of his classes without reading much. His trick was he took good notes and went to class. He graduated in four years exactly with a really good GPA and a degree from one of the best journalism schools in the country. (He realized during his senior year that he didn’t like journalism) I did the five-year plan and I can’t say my GPA was much to brag about. I test well and I think that helped me get into grad school.

Anyway, I’m ready. If all goes as planned I will be starting school in the summer. Eleven classes until I have an Ed.S. Oh, I’m ready. I’m really ready.


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