
Tuesday, June 08, 2004

If you make a fist and hold it over your heart, I will be there

So today is my eighth anniversary. Yes, believe it or not, I have been married to the same person for eight years. Heck, I've actually known him for eleven years! Why hasn't he run off yet? If you will indulge me for a moment, I would like to use this space to recap some of the last eight years of my life.

June 8, 1996
The wedding is scheduled for 2pm. It's an outdoor wedding and it is raining. Nasty humid rain that kills hair. I remember sitting in an upstairs bedroom (we were married in the yard of an old house)looking out the window dressed in my wedding gown, just hoping the rain would stop. But wait! At 1:45 pm, the rain stops, the sun comes out and all is well. At least for that day.

April 1997
We finally move out of the basement apartment in "beautiful" Statham, Georgia. You know, the apartment that really shouldn't have been an apartment. Besides the redneck neighbors who packed up in the middle of the night to avoid paying rent, the bathroom above us that leaked all over our washer and dryer, and the crazy parvo neighbors (all their dogs died of parvo - vaccines anyone?), we lived with the hum of a dehumidifier.

June 1998
I go back to school. My husband just doesn't seem to deal with enough problems. Now he can deal with me stressing out about read and reacts and grant proposals and then proofread everything I write. This man should be a saint.

I can't seem to remember much about 1999. Did it really happen?

August 2000
I'm finally done with school. My husband is still sane and our marriage is intact. I guess we took those vows seriously. We are raking in the dough now. Wait, I'm a librarian.

February 2001
We buy a house! It's in the neighborhood that we want, the house seems big enough, the yard is nice and we are just thrilled. Long talk at the kitchen table - maybe this house could use another person. Um, not until the siding is done.

June 2002
This house will finally have another tenant. We are in shock. Happy shock, shock none the less. What do we do now?

February 2003
Welcome William! I need some sleep. It's your turn to see what the crying is about. If our marriage survives this, we are invincible. I'm heading for a meltdown. I can feel it.

June 2004
It's not over yet. Is this house getting smaller? Hey, I just stepped on a paci. Has someone seen Teddy?

Thank you to my wonderful husband on this special day. Your quiet calmness has never faltered during these past eight years. You and your "twin" are what get me through each day. I can only ask that you continue to believe in us.

Working harder to get better....


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