
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Keep On Lovin' You

Driving into work this morning I heard REO Speedwagon’s “Keep On Lovin’ You” on the radio. Whoa. That brought back some really strange pre-teen memories for me.

I bought the tape Hi-Infidelity when it was new. I was so into that tape. I knew every song and listened to that tape over and over. I played it on my boom box that my dad “recovered” from some kind of burglary bust – he was a cop at the time. Does that make sense? Here is a stolen radio – cop recovers it – takes it home and gives it to pre-teen daughter. Isn’t that just stealing something stolen? Double-stealing? I can’t say that my dad was the most ethical person in the world. To this day, he would probably still say there was no problem with what he did. Hell, I didn’t care. I was ten or eleven. I also inherited a Rush Moving Pictures tape that was inside. Way cool for a ten year-old. “All the world to me’s a stage, we are merely players…” Jam out!

Anyway, I spent my summers at the Jersey Shore. We had a boat and we lived on it all summer during my pre-teen and early teen years. There were a group of kids around my age that lived on their boats during the summer (mostly older) that would hang out. We would play cards, go crabbing, go to the boardwalk, and buy all the cool shell jewelry that we could wear at this little shop across the street from the marina. Hi-Infidelity was the theme tape one summer. I remember sitting on my friend Demi’s family’s boat, looking through the latest issue of Glamour magazine dreaming of making my hair look just like Kim Alexis’ hair (remember Kim Alexis?) while Hi-Infidelity was playing. Then, we all sat down and ate the crabs we caught that day. We were the cool kids of the marina. We were the only kids at the marina. We were cool by default.

So, hearing “Keep on Lovin’ You” this morning brought back some memories. Isn’t it strange how a song can make you think about something from your past?


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