
Friday, November 07, 2003

nerd power

I never thought that I would turn into super-nerd, but apparently I have.

Remember back in the day when you thought you were super-cool? You know, you and your friends wore the coolest clothes, did the coolest things, and were the coolest people. You probably weren't - I know I wasn't. But you thought you were and that's what kept you going. Never once, did I imagine I would be chained to a desk, thrilled in the fact that I found a call number that works for a book on prisoner's inventions. Like I said, super-nerd.

I remember being in high school and dreaming of my perfect job. I was going to be a news reporter or a psychiatrist specializing in autistic children. (I have two brothers who are autistic) Anyway, I always imagined myself on TV - either breaking some huge story or discussing the latest research on autism. Of course, everyone wanted my opinion and I was just so respected in the field (journalism or research). After graduating from college with the almighty English Lit. degree, reality smacked me in the face. I wasn't "blonde" enough to be a news reporter and I was too lazy to actually do any research beyond literature criticism. So, here I am years later plodding through cataloging rules so that the masses can have the latest book on the history of Effingham County.

Calm down, it's coming!

It's not that I hate my job. Far from it. As a matter of fact, I love it. My idea of a good day is to blast through as much as I can and make some people in the dept. step back and realize that I wasn't playing around during that interview. I said that I thrive on getting rid of backlogs. I wasn't kidding. Go ask my last dept.

Anyway, this is all to say that I have turned into a super-nerd.

This is Fred signing off for Fox News. I report. I decide.


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